More affordable price when evening arrived, after three o'clock

A popular market of fun, you can present there, a hawker style food market that sells a variety of goods, fruits and vegetables, flowers, clothes, trinkets, and of course the food, the price is not too expensive.
Thursday was a day for a people's market, the Thursday Market or sometimes called 'shock market', because previously there was no market in this place. Activities like a market that suddenly present since morning and immediately the transaction with the buyer who was passing by.

An afternoon at about 4pm on the streets, to the Frankston shopping center, a large shopping center and attractive in Frankston, I take the bus abuzz with the other passengers, the passengers that I do not recognize, risk, during the husband there, patiently, taught to drive, and I patiently, for some reason I always do not dare to learn driving a vehicle.

At that time it was still early, about 10 am, the atmosphere of the shopping center across from me started to show its activity, while the sellers offer their goods along the way. Sellers are very enthusiastic, but I waited until late afternoon, at 3 pm, that's the best time to get a more attractive price and certainly cheaper.

Time has passed, do not expect by anyone, isn't it? There is always a way, subscribe to public transportation, when shopping, Dad was driving, and all goes well.

This is the best time to buy yellow flowers for beloved mother, for the father, and of course the Herald Sun.
Text and images Nani Mariani
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